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Born in Taipei, Taiwan. Cindy Sun is an watercolor artist living and working in Tokyo. She graduated from Fuhsin Art and Trade School,  a well known art high-school in Taipei. Her Associate Degree of Fine Art was received from City College of San Francisco. In 2009, she started painting watercolor.

  • In 2010, her work was selected for Yokohama Yamate Western House calendar of 2011

  • In June of 2013 , her first solo exhibition was held in Gallery- Kaze in Fukuoka, Japan.

  • In December of2013 , she was invited to join a group show which was held in Gallery-Kaze, Fukuoka, Japan.  


Artist Statement


Visual art , it doesn't need a language to explain itself. It should immediately be understood, at the moment the work is viewed. The work itself is a direct,  receptive language between creator and the viewer.  It is like music, the music does not lie.  When audiences hear it, they can feel if it is sad,  or happy, or scary,  or strong with impactive sound.  Visual art is the same.  With one look, the impression is felt in the viewers heart. This is my thought about visual arts.


Work Style


I don't like being same styles as others, so I continue to create.

I don't like to always paint the same way, so I continue to develop new and interesting ways to paint, to express myself. 

I create originality.



Thank you for visiting my website!

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime.


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© 2014 Cindy Sun. 

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