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Color Note: transparent& semitransparent colors (yellow group)透明&半透明黄色

Aureolin (cobalt yellow or potassium cobaltinitrite) PY40, is an impermanent, transparent, lightly staining, light valued, intense yellow pigment, made in two grades by the only registered manufacturer worldwide (Johnson Matthey, UK). Unlike opaque yellows, it can be used to warm darker hues without affecting transparency.


aureolin Rembrandt 242, Rowney Artists 601,Sennelier 559, Art Spectrum W32 ,Winsor & Newton 063 Daniel Smith 063

***note that “Holbein aurelin is mix of PY3+PY42 which is quite staining and is not included in this group.

Nickel azomethine yellow PY150 is a very lightfast, transparent, moderately staining, nongranulating, moderately paint light valued, moderately intense orange yellow pigment


nickel azo yellow Daniel Smith 108、M. Graham 123

transparent yellow Winsor & Newton 653

translucent yellow Schmincke 209

quinacridone gold [hue] Winsor & Newton 547

gamboge [hue] Rembrandt 238

M.nickel quinacridone gold Graham 124

M. Graham 123

Nickel dioxine yellow(new gamboge, indian yellow)PY153 is a very lightfast, semitransparent, lightly staining, non granulating, light valued, intense orange yellow pigment.


Daniel Smith is more transparent and less staining than W&N

W&Nindian yellow 267 is more orange and stain strongly.


new gamboge W&N 319, Daniel Smith 020

indian yellow(hue) Rowney Artists643, Sennelier517, Utrecht129,

indian yellow (hue) W&N 267( PY153+PO62)

Raw Sienna

Quinacridone Burnt Orang

more radiant than burnt sienna. Great potential in flesh tones.

Burnt Sienna

Doesn’t mix well with most pigments, but “floats” into wet washes well, preferable to Yellow Ochre. Holbien most transparent.

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